One out of five ain’t great!

The last two days have involved some wild goose chases for me!

Yesterday, there was allegedly an event about autism on the SCC Beatrice campus’s dining hall. I walked over there, and there was no evidence of said event, nor any information about whether it was a speaker, a table, or a display. Thus, it was a wild goose chase, but at least I managed to not waste the trip since it involved walking, which is never a wasted trip!

Today, I had two items on my shopping list: peppermints to refresh our stock after Samantha and I both used a bunch of them, and egg roll wrappers to take to Mom & Dad’s tomorrow for her birthday dinner.

The first stop was Target, since my Discover card is earning 5% cashback there right now.

Alas, this Target had NEITHER item. (I found on the Target app that they might not even stock them here, so I might have been able to avoid the wasted trip. Though, it wasn’t a wasted trip because it was on my way anyway from where I was going.

At Super Saver, I found the egg roll wrappers (which were the more important item anyway), but I whiffed on the peppermints. Go figure!

One out of five ain’t great, but at least the four misses weren’t based on wasted trips!


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