777 Writing Challenge

It’s been a while since my blog has been tagged by a chain scheme, but this one I will accept, with a few creative liberties. 🙂  Here are the rules, and then the liberties I will take will appear after you click the One-Way Spoiler Toggle (if you are reading from the main page).

The 777 challenge requires you go to Page 7 of your work-in-progress, scroll down to Line 7 and share the next 7 sentences in a blog post. Once you have done this, you can tag 7 other bloggers to do the same with their work-in-progress.

The liberties I will take in this description:

  • Because I don’t have any research papers or books currently in progress, my “work in progress” will be an excerpt from the most recent in-arrears journal for me to transcribe.
  • The sentence in the rules “Once you have done this, you can tag 7 other bloggers…” uses the word “can.” I will interchange this with “may” and treat it as optional, and thus tag nobody. (I will still tag Alienora, to thank her for putting me up to the challenge!)

OK, so let’s see how this goes! As it turns out, the day of this journal entry would translate well into a “Reconstructed Journal.” So I’ll start from the seventh bullet point as the starting point!


We next walked to Verizon Wireless on the Magnificent Mile, on a day with significantly less tourist traffic–it is a Monday, after all! Dad’s phone is at least five years old, so he is well due for an upgrade, but it may be a plan downgrade from what we have now.

After we decided against getting an upgrade at this time, we continued south on the Mag Mile along the bridge across the Chicago River. I noticed many padlocks on the bridge’s guardrails, and later learnt that they are demonstrations of couples’ love to each other.  As we continued southbound, we passed pedestrians, walked under scaffolding, and ended up at Millennium Park.

Our first course of action there, of course, was the most touristy thing: taking pictures at Cloud’s Gate, better known as The Bean. Afterward, we walked in the Lurie Garden, observing the new growth of flowers to signal the end of the brutal 2014 winter.


Countdown to Ph.D. hooding: 9 days.

Countdown to Noah’s birthday: 23 days.

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4 thoughts on “777 Writing Challenge

  1. I wouldn’t have such a work to do such a challenge with, but the excerpt was interesting to read. I have gotten awards in the past where I was given several questions to answer and that’s kinda neat to do, but more than once spaced close together takes away the fun. Oh well…it looks like you have two exciting events soon to come to pass. Enjoy your summer, Noah!


  2. Totally agree, Noah – I tend to avoid them these days for that very reason! I was fascinated by the padlocks part of this; I had never come across such a thing before. I can see the symbolism, I guess, but can’t help feeling that a padlock is rather a heavy way of chaining oneself to another (metaphorically speaking!). x


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