Mirror #writephoto

It has been a while since I have participated in a #writephoto challenge, but the photo that is given for this week’s challenge is multiply reminiscent for me. Thus, I offer some poetry, in the style of the Pina Colada writer. I’m nobody’s poet, but I hope that THIS post isn’t half-bad… I want to throw it back to some of my old posts with quatrain-style.

Photo courtesy: Sue Vincent

In the height of the summer

The sunlight brightly shines.

Even when the region is shaded by pines

Darkness will not be a bummer.


The sunshine reflecting off the water

Rushes back memories of previous years.

Most saliently, these memories are not awash in tears,

But I still want to present the plotter.


These memories come from Summer Oh-Seven

As well as from June of Sixteen, one day before Father’s Day.

The former was serious, something to add to my resume

The latter was fun, but it was also a mosquito heaven!


Yes, mosquito heaven and a bunch of scratching

But I still enjoyed communing with peers

And taking off the next day on piers

Tippakayak and Tyler not matching!


And I should not leave out the first line

From the stanza before the previous one!

A few ponds from Duckweed Run

Look shaded like what the picture brings to mind!


There was Gun Pond and Lakeview Campground

And that’s just the shaded ponds from Northwest Lincoln.

Quite a bit of shade at Annulus got us thinkin’

But near McConaughy, shade could not be found!


And thinking of the shade, one more memory becomes salient

How could I forget July from eight years ago?

The impetus trip that then started this blog in Chicago…

A spy story of Eli Cohen, told on another continent!


As the water lets me reflect on summers of yore

The current summer’s end is nigh

There has been low and high

And I eagerly anticipate forevermore!


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UWEC Sophomore Campaign: 12 days

NU/NU: 43 days

Florida: 130 days

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