A sliver of light #writephoto

These are dark times, just like Sue Vincent’s photo suggests. But, a glimmer of light is evident, and there is always something better ahead.

Darkness is all around. Whether it be COVID-19 fears, my uncertainty in the job situation, or my recovery from the unspecified upper respiratory crap which was not The Virus. I continue to suffer from an occasional cough and a raspy voice as a lingering effect of whatever I dealt with earlier. (I just hope that the fact that I mention COVID-19 in this post doesn’t automatically make it political, because there will be no political views here.)

Darkness. I’ve never (as far as I can remember) suffered from residual effects of an illness for so long.

Darkness. Fears of COVID-19, even though there are no confirmed cases in Eau Claire County, have suspended class meetings at UW-Eau Claire for the next three weeks. And then for at least two weeks thereafter, classes will be online.

Darkness. I have never taught a class fully online before, so this is a brave new world.

Darkness. I have not received any job offers from the about-70 positions I have applied for.

Darkness. The sporting events that I like watching have all been suspended.

But, all of this darkness has light waiting.

Light. The residual effects of the illness will pass, as my immune system is strong.

Light. The moratorium on classes gives me some time to prepare for the classes and get an idea of what is going on.

Light. I will still drive to Nebraska for spring break, and in Lincoln, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Light. My experiences preparing for the online courses will do me well, particularly because of the next piece of light.

Light. I have received a larger proportion of bites (i.e. phone or video interviews) from the two-year schools to which I have applied than the four-year schools.

Light. Many two-year schools have online courses, so my experiences with the online courses will be an invaluable add to my teaching philosophy and cover letters.

Light. An opportunity to discover other social functions that I might like.


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Nebraska: 7 days

Ohio: 41 days

Milwaukee: 84 days

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