[M.M.X.I.V. 12] Crosswalks

Perhaps the topic of this is somewhat off-topic regarding today’s Daily Post, but I will treat it like a “Daily Post” anyway, including putting a roll of other blogs that looked at this post at the bottom, as of 16:29 CST on 1/12/14.

One of my favorite quirks is my obsession with crosswalks.  One of my earliest memories of crosswalks involved my dislike of the fact that the orange words were “DONT WALK,” since I’m such a grammar nut for not losing apostrophes.  Because of the strange obsession with them, I’m tagging this as an Asperger’s post.

When I moved to Lincoln, some of the crosswalks, rather than having “WALK/DONT WALK,” had a white walk-person/orange hand.  Eventually, I decided to cross crosswalks in Lincoln by imitating the gait of the walk-person depicted on the display, and then to, when the walk-person changed to the blinking hand, I would also alternate my left hand between the hand and a fist, in sync with the blinking.

Although Mom and Dad were sometimes amused by this, my siblings were not amused, and Mom and Dad cautioned me that others might see it as weird as well.  Although I rarely do this anymore, there are times where I am walking in a crosswalk and am moved to give the walk-person gait.

I also like how many crosswalks now have walk timers on them, to let you know how many more seconds you have before it turns to a solid “don’t walk” signal.  Of course, in some sense it can turn a walk into a race to beat the light.  I first saw this in Lawrence, when returning from a dorm bowling night at the Duke TIP camp in 2001, and they started appearing in downtown Lincoln in 2004-2005.

And there are also crosswalks with sound effects.  One at MIT made different sounds of birds chirping, which amused me (and also had the countdown timer), when I visited in 2004 and 2007.  Now, on Sheridan Road, the buttons to activate the crosswalks beep (for visually-impaired people?), and when you press the button, it will say, “Wait.”  Hold it, and it says, (for example), “Wait.  To cross Sheridan Road at Foster Street. Wait.”  One of my friends, Manny, likes to say, “For what?” as there is a “Wait” crosswalk in Indianapolis too… just outside the convention center.

And, the Northwestern band has taken up to this “Wait” as well as a distractor when the opposing team is dribbling, so I’ve joined in with it as well.  🙂

In Lincoln, there’s a beeper crosswalk too… but unfortunately it isn’t a “Wait” variety.  Instead, it’s a “Travelling north.”

I close the post with a hack of the standard description of the signs, where “walk” means “Start crossing–watch for turning vehicles”, flashing “don’t walk” means “Don’t start–finish crossing if started”, and solid “don’t walk” means “Pedestrian should not be in crosswalk.”  The hack comes from the LA area, and I saw it on a few crosswalks at UNL back in 2008-9:

Total Crisis Panic Button

A great hack on crosswalk poles–whoa, almost too big for the page! (Courtesy: Jason Eppink)


Today is the twelfth day of M.M.X.I.V.  That makes one week and five days.

Other responses to the prompt “quirkiness:”

  1. Stretch! | A Teacher’s Blog
  2. The Habit of Fear | Shrine of Hecate – Ramblings of a New Age Witch
  3. Daily Prompt: You Are Not Michael Jackson | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. Write | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  5. Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit | Incidents of a Dysfunctional Spraffer
  6. Quirky Love | Active Army Wife
  7. A Penny For Your Thoughts | The Jittery Goat
  8. Hate Late « Mon Cache
  9. Quirk of habit | Sue’s Trifles
  10. DP Daily Prompt: Quirk Habit | Sabethville
  11. DP Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit | Sabethville
  12. A Quirk | Kate Murray
  13. Cultivating Eccentricity | alienorajt
  14. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit – Instincts & Intuitions
  15. Quirk Away! | meanderedwanderings
  16. Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  17. Quirks and Fancies | Wicked Words
  18. Quirks, don’t smirk. | Hope* the happy hugger
  19. Quirks and Such | Short Story Sally
  20. SO SLOW | The Photo Faith Challenge
  21. Quirky | Lux
  22. Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  23. R is for “Random-Dancing” | Retrofocus
  24. Never Trust a Smiling Cat | Just Visiting This Planet
  25. Burying Quirk | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  26. Embracing Me: Uniquely Strange | THE OVERCOMING
  27. Spring Peeper | Exploratorius | Photo Hack & Curious Wanderer
  28. Daily Prompt: Quirky « Vicariously Poetic
  29. Quirks | Flowers and Breezes
  30. Quacky Quirk! | LenzExperiments
  31. daily prompt: quirk habit | aimanss…
  32. I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  33. Don’t Call Me Ma’am | Finale to an Entrance
  34. Quirking | Steve Says….
  35. http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/01/12/daily-prompt-quirky/ | all my likes
  36. Procrastination and Coffee/Daily Prompt | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  37. Stop! That Is So Annoying. | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  39. Quirky habits – Elephantine Bakasana | Mishe en Place
  40. Children’s Oddities | A mom’s blog
  41. Daily prompt: Quirk or Habit: Did I marry a beaver? | jesus was a primate
  42. Quirky Habits – Technology a Two Edged Sword | TamekoTheArtist
  43. Quirk of Habit | The Nameless One
  44. All about the quirk: Being yourself, full tilt | Lauren Kells
  45. Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit | Occasional Stuff
  46. Daily Post: Quirk of Habit | A Clueless Monkey’s Thoughts
  47. Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit | Occasional Stuff
  48. Daily Prompt: Sometimes Quirky is a Part of a Good Photo Shoot! | Daily Prompt & Blogging Progress
  49. creativity | sunshine in winter
  50. Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit | A Room of One’s Own
  51. Pelos nossos hábitos | Sonhos desencontrados
  52. Nature…..it can be | The Land Slide Photography
  53. ah! | yi-ching lin photography
  54. How The Selfie Transformed My World
  55. Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit | Nicole Sloan’s Writing
  56. Habits Of Quirk | Chunky Brain
  57. Photogenic Squirrel (Quirky) | photo potpourri
  58. Quirk of Habit | Geek Ergo Sum
  59. Quirks | hodgepodgemenage
  60. Day 12 Again: How To Live Beautifully | The Sacred Architecture of Here and Now
  61. Earworm: Say Something | VernetteOutLoud
  62. Rob’s Surf Report


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