
There are a few different ideas behind the title of this post.

The most obvious one is that the blog is being revisited for the first time in more than a month!

The countdown to the wedding in my last blog post was 16 days, and of course that meant everything got busy. Hopefully with the wedding over, I can get back to some sort of blogging routine!

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[M.A.P.L.E. IX-6] Spotify Shuffle: Just the songs

A common feature in my blog when it was younger was the “Musical Memories Shuffle,” where I would shuffle my MP3 library, and explain either a memory associated with each song, or a reflection on the song if there was no specific memory associated with it.

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[O.C.T.O.B.E.R. VII-31] No Lightning!

There hasn’t been any lightning in the area for a while.

But, I suppose I’ll get some “No Lightning” here…

The word "NO" spelled out of Lightning Energy cards from the Pokemon TCG.

First, I should say what inspired this post. It’s from one of the songs that is frequently done at UWEC’s Zumba sessions: “No Excuses” by Meghan Trainor. That got me thinking of one of her other songs: “No.” This led me down the wormhole: How many songs can I come up with that have “No” in the name somewhere?

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[O.C.T.O.B.E.R. VI-9] Believe

I believe that every once in a while, it is okay to admit that you have writer’s block, or even if you don’t, to draw on some single-word prompt for inspiration.

Thus, why not I share a few beliefs that I hold recently? As I wrote this post, I realized that it was actually fairly salient… based on words uttered about 9 days ago.

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[O.C.T.O.B.E.R. V-27] Chili and Cinnamon Rolls (Part 3 of 3: Too Much BOB; Legacy)

Three weeks ago, I set up for a three-part sequence of posts. In the first post, I discussed hearing on the radio something about chili and cinnamon rolls at school. In the second post, there was the first attempt at the rendezvous, and then the mulligan which succeeded. At the end of that post, I had mentioned that I would save the major legacy for this post. So… here goes!

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